investing in the future of industry
GE brings to market innovative solutions that deliver essential energy, healthcare and transportation infrastructure. They work with the highest integrity, compliance culture and respect for human rights while also reducing the impact of their technology and environmental footprint.
Content hub, but make it cool
GE asked us to create an immersive portal to serve as a gateway to their content found around the world. This was a massive library of videos, images, and articles they had produced and continued to produce over the years. We asked ourselves how do we build and organize a content hub, that people would want to engage with, for the future?
So what does this actually look like?
Given the high tech nature of GE's stories I got inspired by futuristic interfaces from games and other elements found in sci-fi movies, specifically Star Wars and their use of 3D holographic interactive maps of planets.
Warp speed captain
One of the challenges I faced when designing the ui/ux of the hub experience was the sheer volume and variety of content, it needed to be easily accessed and explored by users as well as feeling futuristic. By using a very paired down black and white ui I was able to spotlight GE's content with bright neon colors for the globe and content themes spikes. This energized the experience and allowed for a more focused user experience as readers engaged with the content. Users could zoom out of the globe to get a sense of the vast amount of content GE had and then zoom in to specific regions access that regions content. The content cards themselves were designed to tease out GE's various stories while easily navigating between regions and themes.
the WiM team
To bring this experience to life I worked closely with Quartz's in house ad dev team to ensure the experience looked good and worked across all devices. It was fun collaborating with them and brainstorming ideas off of each other.
Award winning Hub
The final product lived within Quartz ENGAGE+ ad unit on their site which I helped create and design. The GE overall loved final outcome and continued to renew this campaign over the course of 2 years. It also won us B2B Marketing Award for Best Visual Display of Information, as well as unlocking significant revenue through clients asking for their own World in Motion for years to come.